Things Nobody Told You About Premium Business Cards
Today I'm going to be answering the question do I need a business card if I'm a student ? I also had a couple people ask me this question and they phrased it basically. do I need a business card ? I'm not currently employed I don't have a job I'm out there seeking a job. So all of this I'm gonna lump together but the basic question is do I need 1000 business cards ? If I don't have a position with the company things like that so before we get into this guys you know I'm gonna ask you to subscribe to my youtube channel.
A lot of guys came back and asked me this question so I created this article literally a couple days afterwards don't know when it's actually gonna get published? hopefully within a few weeks of that other article but let's go ahead and answer the question. So short answer yes I think every man needs premium business cards or you can even call him a calling card and this I think the example I used in my last article. When I was in the Marine Corps we had calling cards that were needed to be made when we were brand new second lieutenants. when I was stationed Naval Air Station what was at Pensacola or Corpus Christi every time we were there there was a new party that the general would hold. We would show up at his house and you would drop off your calling card the reason for this is it allowed people to get in back in touch with us it had your contact information.

I think this is good for a number of reasons anytime you meet somebody you want it in a sense and that's the number one reason you want to give people an ability to follow up. So you meet somebody you have a great conversation you want to give them the chance to follow up without you know trying to look for a pen to write down your number or type it into their phone. If you don't have it then I would recommend that you and I've seen some guys actually use this trick with with ladies. And with uh you know just anyone they meet hey well let me just enter your phone really quick I actually let people do that because sometimes it's faster and more efficient than me doing it myself.
They've also got some apps out there I saw one I haven't used it for a long time but actually would allow you to bump your phones touch them and then it would exchange your contact information. I actually had a gentleman contact me the other day he actually developed it so that you could actually create a very quick online card so there are some other options out there but the number one reason and I still haven't found there are many situations in which you're going to meet somebody who's not using any of that fancy software.
I just talked about and you want to be able to give them that physical card to follow up. So that is the number one reason number. Two it sends the message that you are professional that you took the time to actually put your information together in a card separates you from 99% of the men. Out there who are students looking for jobs who are perhaps men that are in between employment and looking for work the fact that you took the time to put something together that puts out your qualifications who you are what sets you apart again separates you from the competition makes you look more professional.
Number three is it keeps you focused on the goal so if you show up to a networking event and it may not even be billed as a networking event it may simply be that this is a you know a brunch or a business get-together. Although they're not called that they are always networking events and when you carry those cards you pack those 50 cards in your pocket you know that hey it's going to be successful for me. If I can hand out all 50 cards and get at least 15 to 20 people that follow up with me and I collect 50 cards so that's kind of the the thing is it actually there's a NIC there's a natural exchange.
when you give a business card people give you their business card printing near me so even if you talked to somebody very briefly it keeps you focused on the goal which is you filling up your pocket with business Download Report Start A New Search
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